Sunday, May 3, 2009

"The Great Experiment" Communism VS Capitalisim Part I

People always ask me "ScooterDamus, how did we get into this and more importantly how & what can we do to get out?---Or can we?"

1st of all let me explain this as simply as I can.

This may take a while so sit back and try to follow along.

Government, in order to be accepted by the masses has to appeal to the masses by promising to take care of EVERYONE, including the "minority" whatever that "minority" might be. NOTE: This works until the moment that the pendulum swings the other direction! Now that for example "Americans" are duped into believing government is still working for them, government can finally take care of the "minority" that was in power all along!

This is what we call "PAYBACK" in The New World Order philosophy.

What we are now watching unfold before our very eyes is 200 + years of "Payback" to the world bankers, who financed "The American Revolution" A.K.A. "The Great Experiment" as I call it. Many of you are going to ask the obvious question, "ScooterDamus, what is The Great Experiment?"

"The Great Experiment" as I call it is simply the illusion of "choice" by those who control the choices.

Lets take Communism VS. Capitalism over the last 100 years or so.

Communism simply means the collective by government control is given success through compliance. (I know that "The Historians" will not treat me kindly for saying this) Capitalism on the other hand rewards the individual through less government control the ability to succeed through achievement. Meantime Capitalists and Communists fight between themselves while the bankers make trillions from both sides.

Now lets just take a brief overview of these 3 key points of the battle between, (There are more but for the sake of this discussion) and we can clearly see what I call "The Great Experiment" is, WHO is behind it, and most importantly WHAT is going to happen NEXT!--NOTE:Only once we understand the plans can we defeat them at the very game they attempt to play!

We know that Secret Societies and it's "members" were behind the formation of The United States of America. This is NO coincidence, this is NO accident, and this is NO conspiracy! The above for mentioned is FACT! This is "The Great Experiment" and certainly THE GREATEST SECRET NEVER TOLD!

The time for the "secrets" of these Secret Societies is over!

As far back as history records, the few have controlled the many. NOTE: "Power and Control, just like Mother Earths resources are limited and finite! For someone to gain power 1st someone must relinquish it!"-----This concept must be realized before reading any further.

"Power and Control, just like Mother Earths resources are limited and finite! For someone to gain power 1st someone must relinquish it!"----- Scooter McGee 2009

Now understanding "The Power Principal", understand that the Knights Templar, Organized Religion, Government, and the NAMES of the "Power Elite" are ALL, I repeat ALL entangled together into a vast web of deception that this series of writings will attempt to expose.

RULE # 1
"Black is White, Up is Down, and Wrong is Right!"

We as rational members of a decent society are always "shocked" when leaders of any kind say one thing and do another. NOTE: When you are in shock you are defenseless. we as rational decent people also somehow still think to ourselves or even a few say out loud "This cannot go on forever, eventually the people will do something!"

If you are the last person reading this, I am sorry....The "People" are doing EXACTLY what they are told to do! Consume, Panic, and Overreact!

"Crisis-Reaction-Solution."----David Icke

Lets look at a recent example shall we.
100's dead as the world waits for government solutions to the world health crisis. Media goes ballistic on the Pandemic bandwagon.
***Meanwhile there aren't enough masks, duct-tape, flu-shots, food, or water*** Obama administration quickly responds by tossing $1.5 Billion more dollars at corporations while the people are left without answers.

Notice how the complacent Media went from Obama in Mexico the week before somehow skipping OUTBREAK, EPIDEMIC, and going immediately to PANDEMIC. Now 1 week later the truth somehow got out.

20 dead is certainly NOT what the Media reported!---Darn this pesky Internet!

RE:Swine Flu
The Complacent Media will not be held accountable for reporting false information. (A FELONY if you do however!)
The Complacent Media will not hold government accountable to the public to whom it serves. (F.C.C. REQUIRES IT!)
The Complacent Media won't even be accountable to it's own viewers. (VIEWERS DEMAND IT!)

Q: How can I be so bold as to foresee NO ACCOUNTABILITY in The Complacent Media?

Remember, "Black is White, Up is Down, and Wrong is Right!"
The Complacent Media keeps promising accountability, therefore a foregone conclusion there will be NONE!

Now the chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Communism VS. Capitalism and "The Great Experiment" and NO I have not forgotten it!!!

With Europe & Asia battling for control of "Trade-Routes", "Spice-Routes", etc. Exploration quickly became CONQUEST of nations, resources, wealth, and most importantly heritage and/or generational bloodlines. NOTE:Take the 20Th Century "Native Americans" as a classic RECENT example VS. Mayan, Incan , etc....

Europeans as a people are peaceful. The Europeans came to the "New World" and with wealth comes power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. NOT by the people perse but by the King, Queen, Prince, Emperor and all behaving as the Senators did as Rome fell.

Q: What does this have to do with "The Great Experiment?"
A: "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it!"

"It is the Victor that writes history."
THIS IS A LIE! Those with WEALTH write history!

Wealth has the POWER to Corrupt, Divide, and Destroy. Yet this same wealth can expose, unite, and save. How is that possible you ask?

So goes the "War on Poverty", the "War on Education", the "War on Drugs", the "War on Terror", and the "War on the Middle-Class". Now looking back have we won just 1 of the "wars" government has started?

Meanwhile back in the District of Criminals as trillion after trillion is printed to "save" us, I want you to ask yourself a question. Are we seeing the start of the "War on Wealth?"

"Listen my children far and near, does anyone remember Paul Revere?
A "member" he was with wealth he had and history tells us he warned us of bad!
A regular man of the people and common to folk of the day, everyone just focus on a signed silver tray.
No secrets do I have, no skeletons in my closet, does anyone need a solid silver faucet?
My name is still strong, a "member" all along. I hide in your cupboard so remember Mother Hubbard!"

My next prediction will be on The "War" on Wealth!

ScooterDamus OUT----

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