Saturday, May 9, 2009

The "War On Wealth" as seen through the eyes of ScooterDamus

THE "WAR ON WEALTH"----ScooterDamus

These are dangerous times we live in when legislation of ANY kind is shoved down our throats in a matter of days when we know it can take up to 7 years to write legislation!

Congress "talks" about taking action, yet "Action" is the last thing Congress initiates.

I fear that we are about to see the announcement of yet another "War".

This "War" I fear will be one that "THEY" will win!

We have had in the past as I have previously mentioned, The War On Drugs, The War On Education, The War On Poverty, The War On Homelessness, The War On The Middle Class and we all know how well history shows what accomplishments we have made on any of these "Wars".

For these last 6+ months Americans have witnessed the rampant fraud and corruption along with the exodus of our financial wealth and it's system all together. This cannot go on much longer in the relative scheme of things. Financial sectors prepare to announce fiscal 2010 numbers and yet, they won't account for December 2009 numbers! (How else did banks show "profits"?) Once you research for yourself you will see the whole picture.

15 + TRILLION DOLLARS have now been "sacked" away overseas....Media tells you that once the banks start freeing up the credit markets, there will once again be "Liquidity" in the financial world.

This couldn't be farther from the truth. Once the banks dump the newly printed money into the general public, GAME OVER PLAYER ONE!!!

Hyper stagflation will no longer be a hypothetical, Hyper stagflation will be a REALITY for EVERY AMERICAN, illegal or otherwise. This is the whole goal of the Global Elite. The Global Elite are now in control of Government on both sides of the aisle, Media in most forms, Public Opinion that "matters", and now pull the ultimate "fear" card when it comes to public health and safety with a phony flu!

For those of you who do not take the flu vaccine and who won't go along with the plans for the New World Order, the War on Wealth will take care of the rest of you!

Imagine for a moment...
No Internet, No Freedom To Travel, No Food, No Potable Water, No Electricity, No Dissenting Speech, No Elections, No Sports (Unless you count public executions) If any of these things are "IMPORTANT" to YOU, then perhaps now is the time for YOU to do something!

What can you do?

You can blog, call Congress, call Local Leaders, National Leaders, Media and tell them, "Cover the news that matters or we won't watch anymore!"

Cease supporting the "sponsors" of the shows that won't do what you demand!

Ask your "elected officials" if they indeed are a PUBLIC SERVANT....If they respond "YES", then politely inform them that from now on they are to call you "Master!"

There are 535 of "them" and 300 + Million of US!

I have no motivation for a poem at this time. I am busy getting ready to end my radio show.

Perhaps if the news gets better! Perhaps when monkeys fly out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth!



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