The show is a mix of comedy, paranormal, conspiracy and political topics.
McGee notes that "we talk about topics other shows in the [progressive talk] format won't even touch, and ask the questions listeners would if they were sitting in my chair". Much of the show takes the form of balanced interviews, open phone lines for callers to participate with guests, and honest, candid commentary by McGee.
The show takes several calls from listeners each hour at the phone number 1-877-353-1310. McGee says that "this is a radio version of a town-hall meeting and all points of view are respected, tolerated and given equal consideration".
Callers converse with both Scooter and any guest he has on equally. The only request that McGee makes is that, even if opposed to the particular topic, callers remain civil and engage in legitimate discourse with him or his guests.
Much of the apparent [instant] popularity for the show is actually due to more than 4 years of hard work by McGee developing a huge Podcast and Internet radio audience before being offered his own show on broadcast radio in late April, 2007.
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